All / Artist Monographs All Artist Monographs Catalogue Raisonnés Art General RAPHAEL SOYER $225.00 Purchase THE CERAMICS AND SCULPTURES OF CHAGALL $350.00 Purchase THE ART OF A. HENRY NORDHAUSEN $55.00 Purchase REX RAY: ART + DESIGN $90.00 Purchase NAVARRO VIVES $60.00 Purchase MOSES SOYER $65.00 Purchase FORNASETTI: THE COMPLETE UNIVERSE $350.00 Purchase NEW TOTEMS AND OLD GODS: SCULPTURES AND POEMS BY J.L HANSEN $30.00 Purchase CHIHULY OVER VENICE $75.00 Purchase The Library of Great Painters: Georges Braque $65.00 Purchase Elliot Erwitt: Museum Watching $40.00 Purchase GOYA THEN AND NOW: PAINTINGS, PORTRAITS, FRESCOS $45.00 Purchase G. BRAQUE $55.00 Purchase INDELIBLE MIRÓ $350.00 Purchase